Birth of the first Puppy:03.04.2024 14:05/Birth of the last Puppy:04.04.2024 12:00

Today the puppies are 56 days old.

Table of weigths


28.05.2024 Today Dr. Aua came to visit and vaccinated and chipped them all. They put up with it bravely.
27.05.2024 Thunderstorm: lightning and thunder. The little dogs raise their heads briefly and then go back to sleep.
26.05.2024 The puppies are working on digging up a stumpy bush, but are not making much progress.
25.05.2024 Rainy weather again. The little lion hunters show a lot of imagination when it comes to pass the time.
24.05.2024 Quiet and friendly play today. We wonder what they're up to?
23.05.2024 All puppies weigh more than 6 kg.
22.05.2024 The games in the garden are getting wilder and wilder. It's surprising that none of the puppies get any new new scratches.
21.05.2024 Wet rainy weather - Cadiza uses the time for educational measures.
20.05.2024 Cadiza no longer wants to be suckled. She wants to wean but is still producing milk.
19.05.2024 It must be possible to expose the roots of the hornbeams. The little gardeners work through the soil.
18.05.2024 Sunshine and lots of outdoor exercise.
17.05.2024 Rain: They behave like 'real Ridgebacks' - they hate getting wet.
16.05.2024 The puppies spend almost the whole day in the garden. The lawn becomes more and more steppe-like.
15.05.2024 The little Lion Hunters still sleep a lot. In their waking phases they train their muscles and hunting skills through play.
14.05.2024 Rabbit ears are great - the puppies love to chase them off each other.
13.05.2024 The little lions hunters can now use their small pointed teeth to shred rabbit ears.
12.05.2024 The puppies begin to sniff out their environment.
11.05.2024 The garden is conquered with wild games.
10.05.2024 The little gremlins have largely moved their activities outdoors.
09.05.2024 The puppies start to groom themselves.
07.05.2024 Some of the little ones start to call out and go outside the patio door when they need to go outside.
06.05.2024 The puppies slept through the night for the first time - from 23:30 to 5:00.
05.05.2024 More and more puppies are accepting the patio as their living space.
04.05.2024 The first puppies have left the house and started to explore the patio.
03.05.2024 Rain - we had thought that the little Waldkind babies would go outside today but of course that's not possible in the rain.
02.05.2024 The puppies become more and more curious and seek out human contact more and more often.
01.05.2024 The puppies practise typical ridgeback games. All puppies already have minor scratches.
30.04.2024 Cadiza has started weaning. She lets her puppies drink briefly and then leaves the puppy crate to enter it again after her 10 children have eaten their fill.
29.04.2024 The puppies are increasingly trying to leave their puppy world and conquer the rest of the living room.
28.04.2024 The puppies now can walk much better outside the whelping box - and they practice this extensively because they will soon be going outside.
27.04.2024 The little dogs have left the puppy box for the first time. Their world has become bigger but they feel safest in the puppy box.
26.04.2024 All puppies weigh more than 2 kg.
25.04.2024 When the little dogs are not sleeping or eating, they are already playing with each other or want to be stroked.
24.04.2024 All puppies are now 3 weeks old. They have grown and developed so much that they are hardly recognizable.
23.04.2024 The little dogs can already walk quite well, play with each other and are starting to show interest in us humans.
22.04.2024 The puppies look more and more like dogs and start to behave accordingly. Mother Cadiza had to reprimand a few of them because they were a little too cheeky.
21.04.2024 Our Cruselchen now withdraws for hours from her forest babies and treats herself to some time out.
20.04.2024 The porridge tastes better and better to the little ones. This takes the pressure off mother Cadiza.
19.04.2024 Teeth: In the mouths of the little lion hunters overnite small pointed milk teeth have grown.
16.04.2024 The little Ridgebacks no longer want to crawl. They can now stand up on their four legs legs and take their first wobbly steps.
15.04.2024 All the puppies' eyes have opened.
14.04.2024 The first puppies open their eyes.
13.04.2024 Some puppies try to bark. However, they haven't really succeeded yet.
12.04.2024 First successful escape attempt: Today one puppy crawled around outside the whelping box looking for his mother.
11.04.2024 The puppies have been given colored collars. We can now tell them apart much better.
10.04.2024 First claw cut - This protects Cadiza's teats.
09.04.2024 The puppies become more mobile. They crawl around in the whelping box and hide themselfs.
08.04.2024 You can clearly see that the little forest babies are growing and gaining weight.
07.04.2024 A fly has strayed into the whelping box. Cadiza does not rest until she has killed it.
06.04.2024 Routine returns and Cadiza starts eating again.
05.04.2024 Our Cruselchen turns out to be a good mother. She doesn't want to leave her puppies alone and goes into the garden only for a few minutes.
04.04.2024 The 10th and last puppy is born at 12:00.
03.04.2024 Cadiza gets restless in the morning. The wait is over. At 14:05 the first puppy is born.
Long sunbathing sessions in the already warm spring sun. There are ants actually
running around.
If you look closely, you will see the milk droplet on one of the rear teats.
27.03.2024 Cruslchen prepares for the coming events. Instinctively, she never tires of cleaning her teats. She plucks out her hair around the teats and now she sleeps most of the day.
24.03.2024 The preparations are coming to an end. Today we cleared out our living room
and set up the puppy crate. Cadiza examined it carefully and then layed down in it.
16.03.2024Today we could feel puppy movements in Cadiza's belly.
28.02.2024 Cadiza's visit to Bota is not without consequences. Cadiza is pregnant. An ultrasound
examination revealed a large number of small Cru kids.
05.02.2024 Visit to Bota in Bonn. Bota and Cadiza quickly found each other.