13.04.2014 | It is quiet now in our place. Last Frieday M'sieur Bleu left
us. We could not seperate from little MuckMuck (Biskyra z Nyjara).
She will stay with us.
 We wish all the puppies a beautiful, healthy and log life and
their people lots of pleasure with and from them.
28.03.2014 | Litterinspection: No faults except ridgefaults were detected.
This will be the last night all will sleep together. |
27.03.2014 | Visit of the veterinarian: After an in-depth investigation
all puppies were vacciated and chipped. They did not seem to be very
impressed and got over the painful procedure very well. |
26.03.2014 | Finally the sun is shining. The little lionhunters use the
fine weather for excavating works and wild capture games. |
25.03.2014 | The weather is still cold and wet, so our dog children mainly
stay indoors - playing, chasing and fighting each other and chewing
dainties. |
24.03.2014 | The Puppies were sleeping peacefully in the front of the warm
oven after they had extensively ranged themself out in the garden in
cold weather. |
23.03.2014 | Rain with snow, the puppies do not want to go outside. All of
them are heavier than 6 kg. |
22.03.2014 | Cold weather - the little Ridgebacks do not really like this.
21.03.2014 | Extensive water games in the garden and sunbathing. |
20.03.2014 | Lots of outdoor activity in best sunny weather ensured that
all puppies go off to sleep early. |
19.03.2014 | Often the simplest toys are the best. Today the little dogs
had a lot of fun with an empty PET bottle. |
18.03.2014 | Butterfly hunting in the garden and trip to the forest
meadow. |
17.03.2014 | Nini has recovered very well and nearly in the state before
her pregnancy. |
16.03.2014 | Gardening works - ther soil beneath the hornbeam hedge had to
be loosened and the dry leaves of the preceding year had to be worked
in. |
15.03.2014 | Rainy weather, quit indoor activities, dried rumen and
testing of new toys. |
14.03.2014 | The puppies could rage themselfs out in the forest.
Subsequently the rested in the March sun for half an hour. |
13.03.2014 | Today we served dried lamb rumen. The no longer small puppies
got along well with this. |
12.03.2014 | Unfortunately our meadow in the forest has been digged up by
feral pigs. However our forester made available another one to us, so
that we could start our pup-excursions to the meadow today. The
puppies mastered the 10km ride in our Defender on the forest paths
without any problems and they really enjoyed the stay in the forest.
11.03.2014 | Nini retrurs to normal life - today she was allowed to trot
beside the bicycle. |
10.03.2014 | Today is rest day. The puppies grow and gain weight. |
09.03.2014 | Again car riding. The rewards were delicious rabbit ears and
lamb ears. |
08.03.2014 | Today we undertook the first car rides with the puppies. They
did not really enjoy it but they did not fear either. |
07.03.2014 | Spring is approaching. The puppies have started to rearrange
the garden according to their ideas. Nothing will grow or flower in
the patch this year. |
06.03.2014 | Clipping nails for all. Two plush toys lost their lifes. |
05.03.2014 | Lunch on the terrace. The little dogs more and more like to
be in the open air - except it is raining. |
04.03.2014 | Cooly drizzle weather - nevertheless some of the puppies go
onto the lawn in order to get rid of their organic waste. |
03.03.2014 | The puppies had fun in the sunshine in the garden. Some of
them signify when they need to go outside in the garden. |
02.03.2014 | The door to the Garden has opened and the puppies make their
first careful steps into the Gaerden. |
01.03.2014 | The little dogs are growing fast. We had to clothe them with
the larger collars. |
28.02.2014 | Two of the puppies have figured out how to slobber water out
of the little dish. |
27.02.2014 | The first fresh food: we served goat milk quark with egg
yolk. The puppies did not bother to munch it. |
26.02.2014 | Today Nini could not stand it any longer. She insisted on a
longer walk to the 'borders of her territory'. |
25.02.2014 | The Interactions between the puppies become more and more
diverse and their games become more conscious. |
24.02.2014 | The puppies start to play with their toys - they tear at
their knot ropes and fight over the plush lion. |
23.02.2014 | The sun is shining into the puppy room and the little
children of the sun pleasantly stretch out themself in the warming
rays. |
22.02.2014 | For the first time the little dogs got to know strangers.
They behaved very open minded. |
21.02.2014 | The games of the little dogs become wilder, the teeth become
more spiky and the appetite grows rapidly. |
20.02.2014 | The puppies show more and more interrest for their
environment and for each other. |
19.02.2014 | More and more teeth show up. The puppies are now able to
wander about the livingroom. Some succeed in climbing out of and into
the puppy box. |
18.02.2014 | The puppies now eat more food than they drink Nini's milk.
Nini is very thankfull because she now occasionally can rest apart
from her children. |
17.02.2014 | Today the puppies had their first excursion to our living
room. It's time to set up the puppy grid. |
16.02.2014 | In the mouths of three of the puppies the first milk teeth
have shown up. |
15.02.2014 | In addition to Nini's milk from now on the puppies get kind
of solid food. Not all of them like this. |
14.02.2014 |
The babies show interest in Nini's food and 'pick up' small amounts of it. They start looking like dogs.
13.02.2014 | The puppies have doubled thei birthweights. They start to
play with each other and have received colored collars. |
12.02.2014 | The eyes of all puppies have opened. Some of the puppies are
able to make several steps without tumbling over. |
11.02.2014 | The puppies try to make their first steps on the soft blanket in the puppy box. |
10.02.2014 | The eyes of the first puppies have opened. They can now
distinguish between bright and dark. Nini started to take her
downtimes apart from her puppies. |
09.02.2014 | The puppies become more and more vivid. They are crawling
around in their puppy box and are also able to find the way back to
their milkbar where Nini provides plenty of milk. Some puppies try to
stand on their 4 legs. |
08.02.2014 | Today our little children of the sun had the opportunity for
an indoor sun bath in the winter sun while they were laying in their
ridgipad. |
07.02.2014 | Peace and routine have come about. The puppies grow, become
stronger and start crwaling around in their puppy box. The
first puppy (vii) has doubled his birth weight.
06.02.2014 | Today our little bees had the opportunity for a sunbath while
laying in their puppy box. |
05.02.2014 |
Because the puppies started to claw Ninis's teats bloody we carefully cutted the tiny spiky little claws. The
babies did not extremely like this.
04.02.2014 | Nini can no longer stand staying in the house and garden and
she insisted on a small walk. All the puppies do very well. |
03.03.2014 | All remnants of the umbilical cords have been been fallen off
and number 8 has significantly increased his weight. |
02.02.2014 | The babies have noticeably grown. Nini and we have recovered
a bit and the stresses of the births are nearly forgotten. |
01.02.2014 | 'Number 8' wants to live - Our efforts seem to be rewarded by
success.. This morning the little she dog finally started to drink
Nini's milk. She has had an extremly difficult start into life. |
25.01.2014 | A wintrily sunbath in front of 'the door'.
19.01.2014 | We rearranged or living roon and Nini almost instantly moved
into her puppy box.
12.01.2014 | Nini sleeps and eats a lot. Her belly grows noticeably. |
31.12.2013 | The ultrasonic testing has confirmed what Nini had already
told us: she is pregnant, many fetuses were counted.
05.12.2013 | Wedding tour to Pardubice. Nini and Rebel had a 3 days
honeymoon. |
27.10.2013 | We deciced that Shelridge Aussi Rebel will fathter of
Nyjara's second litter. You will find details at litter anouncement.