The father of our D-litter will be Ch. Wakati Mzuri Mabou's Botha 'Botha' .

NameCh. Wakati Mzuri
Mabou's Botha
BreederBritta Käsbach
Date of birth10.11.2019
EDfree (grade 0)
JMEN/N - clear
Colorred wheaten
Botha is a strong, self-confident and friendly male dog.
He is a typical representative of African Ridgebacks.

Cadize and Botha met at Feb 5 and Feb 6 in Bonn.
Many thanks to Jenny for making this mating possible.

We are expecting healthy, good temperament puppies who comply closely to the breed standard.

We expect the puppies to be born around April 7, 2024.

If you are interested in a puppy from this very promising mating, please do not hesitate to contakt us. We are looking forward to your telefon call or your email.