Birth of the first Puppy:12.02.2012 02:40/Birth of the last Puppy:13.02.2012 12:50

7/light blue14:20MYesVampir490510520580630700720770810900900?1120110012601330140013801450144015701620171025703790513068808500
10/dark blue18:50MYesKaterchen4905105305706607207308208809301000980114011101230128013301340147016201690178026003690510067208000

Sad to say: On Feb 13 at 10:00 a dead female with ridge and weight of 590g, on Feb 13 at 12:30 a dead male with ridge and weight of 510 g was born.

21.04 Addendum: On April 15th the last 2 of the 11 firstborn Vivis left our house. Azajyra-Joy, the lastborn will stay with us. Also many memories and eleven empty small collars will stick with us.
We wish all the puppies a beautiful, healthy and log life and their people lots of pleasure with and from them.
08.04The puppies have the opportunity to play in the fresh easter snow and make exhaustive use of this.
Puppy check day - Time to say goodbye ...........
07.04Unfortunately little Monkey has to undertake a long journey and is accompanied by by her brother Oskar.
06.04Another rainy day. The Vivis short but intense fiddled with a large 10 year old indoor plant.
05.04The rainy weather is not enough. To cap it all, Doc Ouch comes into puppies home and pricks each puppy twice. The weight of each puppy dog is clearly above 6kg.
04.04Despite contrary forecast we have nice weather which was used for extensive open air activities.
03.04The children-dogs have a lot of fun with a dog ramp.
02.04Garden works again: The puppies have started to dig out our boxwood.
01.04The games of the puppies run wilder and nini steps in with increased regularity.
31.03We have withdrawn the 2:00 nightly meal. The puppies now get only 3 meals per day.
30.03Despite of rainy weather the little blacknoses enjoy themselfs in the open air.
29.03For the first time the puppies get raw meat which they consume greedily.
28.03Ninni's teats have have almost formed back. Her underline has become visible again.
27.03The puppies had the opportunity to watch their first rabbit in the forest.
26.03Nightly puppieterror at 2:30 - the puppies turned the night into day.
25.03The weight of all puppies exceeded 4kg, the sum of the weights is above one centner.
24.03Thunder and lightning - the puppies appear unimpressed.
23.03Nini has irrevocable stopped breastfeeding and the babies start to accept this.
22.03For the first time the little lion hunters were on our forest meadow. After 45 minutes the adventure tour was finisched because all the new impressions and smells made the puppies very tired. All fell asleep on the backpassage in the car.
21.03New play equipment was discovered in the garden - a water-filled 'snow-slip-plate' and a plastic sheet gave the puppies a lot of pleasure.
20.03Paulina (11 years old) visited the puppies, played with them and drove them around in a handbarrow.
19.03Rainy weather - the puppies spent their time with eating, crunching rabbit ears and sleeping.
18.03Adventureday - The puppies had their first car ride. Some of them were very interested while others just fell asleep.
17.03The first puppies signify their intention to go outside when they need the lavatory.
16.03Today the little lion hunters spent their time with gardening - tearing out last year's sear stalks and peeling a birch trunk.
15.03The puppies have spent large parts of the day out of doors. Even the shier ones had a great time romping arounf in the 'enlarged enclosure'.
14.03As the weather was very fine today the little ridgebacks were outdoors for one hour. They carefully explored their nearby environment.
13.03All puppies are now able to drink off the water pan. We are waiting for better weather so that the puppies can go outside.
12.03For the first time we cut the puppies sharp back claws.
11.03We prepared the first stage of the outdor enclosure. Unfortunately the weather was too bad for the puppies to have a look at it. The puppies learn to drink from the water pan.
10.03In the bright sunny weather the babies left the house for the first time and had a first cautious journey into the garden.
09.03The little children of the sun had an extensive sunbath and Nini has finally 'reclaimed her sofa.
08.03All puppies leave the puppy box when the need the lavatory so that the box stays relatively clean if they are fast enough.
07.03The fur of our little dogs slowly becomes red, white spots disappear and the puppies started training ridgeback wrestling.
06.03The puppy's steps are becoming larger. The puppies are able to leave and enter the puppy box indipendently.
05.03The puppies leave the litter box, are eating off the feeding ring and are exploring their immediate surroundings.
04.03Because the puppybox becomes smaller and smaller, we assembled the puppy compound.
03.03The activity and the noislevel of the puppies are increasing.
02.03Lorks first little white sharp teeth have made their way out of the teethridge.
01.03The puppies are now able to eat almost on their own. This gives Nini the opportunity to be on her own for 1 - 2 hours.
29.02For the first time the puppies get solid foot. Some of them consume it greedily, others are more reserved.
28.02Today we dewormed the puppies for the first time. Apparently this was not very tasty.
27.02The puppies keep training free standing and upright walking. The primary dentation begins to show up underneath the teethridge. Because the babies are 'eating' faster now, Nini has got more time for relaxing.
26.02The weight of all puppies is above 1kg and some of the puppies are able to walk upright for 3-4 steps. The puppies begin to respond to external stimuli and start playing with each other.
25.02All Puppies have doubled their birth weight.
24.02The eyes of all puppies have opened and the puppies are now large enough for their puppy neckbands.
23.02First tipsy attempts to stand on the feet.
22.02The first puppy (Monkey) has doubled his birth weight.
21.02In order to preserve nini's teats, we shortened the baybie's sharp little claws.
20.02Nini has greatly recovered and likes to relax on her ridgi pad.
19.02The puppies are one week old, increase their weight and become more and more mobile.
18.02The sun shines into our living romm and the little sun-children took their first sun bath.
17.02Nini refueses to urinate in the garden and insists on her territory patrol.
16.02The remnants of the umbilical cords have fallen off.
15.02We all have recovered from the stresses and strains of the puppie's birth and kind of routine arises.
Regrettable the last news was a little premature: after 2 stillborn puppies (1/1) another keen, strong girl was born at noon. These three had hided in the chest area inside the rib cage.
All babies are doing well and all except the last born girl have fairly increased their weight.
13.02.2012 Nini came through very well. All 11 puppies are agile and fit.
12.02.2012 At 2:40 the first puppy, at 20:50 the last of 11 puppies - 4 girls and 7 boys - was born. Fotos can be viewed here.
05.02.2012Nini has been pregnant for 52 days now. She needs a great deal of rest now and only small walks in the cold winter temperaratures. Puppy motions are clearly noticeable.
16.01.2012Nini becomes more and more pregnant. Her belly gets larger and her beautiful bottom line slowly disappears.
09.01.2012Our hopes were not disappointed. Nini is pregnant. This was confirmed by our veterinary after ultrasonic analyses. Many puppies were counted.
17.12.2011We have been in Prague for 3 days. After initial language problems the bidal couple harmonized in an outstanding way and we hope that our visit will not be without consequences.
11.12.2011Nyjara takes her time. We will have to wait for her heat until Tuesday or Wednesday.
6.12.2011The doctor confirmed our assuption that Nyjara will be in heat the next weekend.
2.12.2011Things ar moving faster than expected: First blood stains on the floor. We expect Nini's heat for next weekend.
14.11.2011We decided for the fathter of Nyjara's Puppies. You will find details at litter anouncement .